All organisations have their own training courses. Most, (although not all) courses are over a minimum of 12 months to 3 years and will cover various aspects including basic Anatomy and Physiology, chakras, auras and the different methods of healing. They will also cover in depth the ‘Code of Conduct’ which is important for all healers to know. At the end of the training there is usually an interview before a panel where you will be asked questions on all aspects of your training, after which if they consider you proficient they will issue a certificate. All healers must have adequate insurance; this can usually be purchased through the organisation you have trained with. There are a number of organisations you can train with these are a few of them, Sussex Healers Association, Spiritualists National Union, Scottish Association of Spiritual Healers, White Eagle Lodge and the National Federation of Spiritual Healers which is now called The Healing Trust.