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Membership of the church is annual and renewals are due on 1st April each year. The membership fee is £3.00 per annum.

Our members are entitled to vote after 3 months and are eligible to stand as officers after 6 months.

All applications for membership, or cancellations shall be submitted to the committee for decision. Unfortunately, applications for membership renewals from persons who do not attend the Church Services will not be considered by the committee except in exceptional circumstances.


Leading healers must be committee members.

Resident healers & probationers must be full member of the church.

All healers and probationers must be approved by the committee.

Bonafide visiting healers to the church will be welcome to give assistance, demonstrations etc.



If you would like to become a member of our church, you can visit us in person or fill the application below and submit with remittance to:

Eastbourne Christian Spiritualist Church


1a Cavendish Avenue, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 8EW





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